If you're like me, you're somewhat new to the Bitcoin arena. There are plenty of sites regarding Bitcoin that you can familiarize yourself with the concept (Wikipedia or Youtube). With that being said, I'm going to assume that you know that there's what is called "Mining". Mining uses a computer's processing power to solve algorithmic equations and "unlock" a Bitcoin.
Unlocking isn't an easy task. In fact, it's very hard. It's very uncommon for a solo "Miner" to unlock a Bitcoin him/herself. A technique called "Pooling" was introduced and now people are grouping together to use a community of computers to unlock the equations. "Shares" of what your computer contributed to the unlocking are rewarded by divvying up the Bitcoin reward based on percentages.
This is where the Pyramid comes in handy (Yes, I know, it's a Pyramid - but come on, it's a digital currency and you're trying to get a leg up in digital land!). Most computers aren't set up to "Mine" these equations fast and efficiently. Big producers use GPU's, connected in series, to create a large hash rate (basically your speed / computing power). This is where working together beyond a standard pool helps you! Let me show you Step by Step how to set things up and we can work together to increase our overall power and attain more Bitcoins. Everything is completely free and anonymous!
I'll start with where to get a Bitcoin Wallet "Your Bitcoin Account".
Why you should do this!
Unlocking Bitcoins is rather slow for the common computer. If you have many people working underneath you, you will benefit from their work. The same goes for them. Once you've completed this, try your hand at introducing this to a couple of friends. You have nothing to lose - it's digital currency - unregulated! A single Bitcoin is being traded for over $100 at the moment. There's less than 8,000 people signed up at Bitcoin Pyramid and there's 7 billion people on this planet! Why not!? I'll even kick you off with a small micro-donation!
Step 1: Get a Wallet
There are a couple of different places you can get a Wallet. The purpose of having a Wallet is so that once our efforts get going, you can start skimming Bitcoins off the top and depositing them into this personal account!
If you want a Wallet on your local machine (desktop, laptop), go here:
If you want your Wallet to be in the cloud, go here:
Step 2: Get into The Pyramid
Go to: http://bitcoinpyramid.com/r/7874
Make sure your sponsor is 7874. I can't help you get started or answer questions if I'm not your sponsor! If you need to, clear your cache and re-enter the link. ***Once you're registered, keep note of your deposit address. You'll be using this later on for your mining activities.***
Again, this is free and costs you nothing. Just be sure to write down you Member ID and Password, like you would with any account. DO NOT USE RECYCLED PASSWORDS. Safety first!
Step 3: Download the GUIMiner - For video instructions from this point on, see below. ***But, remember to copy your deposit address from Bitcoin Pyramid (click on deposit address link and copy the address from deposit address page). It will be needed to participate in this larger pool!***
Go to: http://guiminer.org/ (easier than going to a forum, as mentioned in the video)
This miner is Windows based, but it is the most simple and easy to use. I'll update for Macs if there's a demand.
Step 4: Register into a Pool
As you can see in the video below, an easy way to go about finding a Pool Website is to simply Install and load up your GUIMiner. From a drop down list, you can see different Pools. Choose a pool, I use Slush's and deepbit, and then follow the link displayed directly to the right of that drop down menu.
Now, here's the important part if we're going to get our pyramid going. ***Once you're registered, copy your deposit address from the Bitcoin Pyramid website (Important - click on the deposit address link and copy the deposit address from the deposit address' page) and insert it in your Deposit field at the Pool Website.***
Video Tutorial: http://youtu.be/2m-cn7Mo5oA
Step 5: Now What? Start Mining!
Once you're registered properly, on GUIMiner, click File > New Miner > New OpenCL Miner. From here, you'll be able to enter your Pool ID and Password (displayed on the Member page of your Pool) into the given fields (just like the video).
I would suggest to make deposits more frequent and small. Something like .0001 Bitcoins is a good start, depending on your speed. It can take a while to unleash everything - hence why we're working the Pyramid together.
Step 6: Okay, I did what you said. It's working... Where do I go from here?
Make this work for YOU! Get a couple people with computers (with preferably a graphics card) and a few free minutes to sign up under you (referrals). Better yet, make your own tutorial! The more people under you, the more Bitcoins the pool and you unlock. If everyone is depositing into their accounts, as described, everyone is happy! At this point in the game, there's no downside! Only up!
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments section, or anonbitcoinminer@gmail.com
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